Monday Musings: The Truth and Integrity Edition

Does integrity still mean anything? 

In a world where everyone is talking, truth gets lost amid the noise and distractions.  Truth is vitally important.   Our continued freedom depends on knowing it, and without it, we are in a very dangerous place!

Do we have a responsibility to fight for truth?   Though it may seem like a small deal, shouldn’t we demand truth even in the simplest of news reporting?   How about in the headlines?   The things we repost and share on Facebook or Twitter?   

What about in our everyday life?   Do we exaggerate a story or share gossip?  Matthew 12:36-37 reminds us that we will give an account for every idle word we speak, our own words will either justify or condemn us. 

Truth is absolute.  It is what it is.  Denying it won’t change it, and it cannot be altered to suit our lifestyle, just as the words of the Bible cannot be rewritten until we have justified our sin. 
If we had known the truth from our government about Islam extremists, would we be in a safer America today?  Would the fifty men and women killed by Omar Mateen in Orlando still be alive today?  I can’t help but think they would be.

The path to a better America has to start somewhere, it may as well be with you.  And me.  Truth and integrity should be important to all of us.   Be kind to someone today.  Don’t repeat gossip, listen more than you talk.  Make Truth a priority in your life.  And say a prayer for the families and friends of Orlando’s slain. 

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